Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church



Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church in Kensington, MD has served Montgomery County for 130 years and sought to be good stewards of the Earth's resource by participating in PC(USA) Earth Care Congregation for over 10 years. Installing solar panels on the church roof was an important step in the church’s stewardship journey. During preliminary discussions about a solar project, Warner learned that solar on its roof could generate nearly 200% of its own electricity use and Community Solar became an option. This move distributes savings from the church’s solar energy to the utility bills of those who have signed up as subscribers. The church decided to use this opportunity not only to reduce the church's carbon footprint, but also to support low income households.

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Estimated lifetime value

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72 kW

System size

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82,296 kWh

Clean energy generated annually

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58.3 metric tons

Carbon emissions avoided annually

Unlike traditional solar rooftop leasing arrangements, this project aimed to maximize community benefits by allocating 25% of Community Solar Credits to Housing Unlimited, a local non-profit organization dedicated to providing affordable housing for people in mental health recovery. This strategic partnership benefits both the church and Montgomery County in a sustainable and impactful way.

The 72kW Community Solar project reduces the church's carbon intensity and contributes to the community’s overall carbon footprint reduction. Aligned with the church's Earth Care mission, it supports broader efforts to combat climate change. Montgomery County Green Bank’s investment and financing for its community members made the project and savings possible. Housing Unlimited gains significant financial benefit from this partnership. The church board opted for a Community Solar subscriber discount, enabling them to allocate a 44% Community Solar subscriber discount to Housing Unlimited. This increased discount resulted in estimated annual savings of up to $1,400 for Housing Unlimited, savings that can be allocated to its core mission.

This experience brought together diverse stakeholders, including a church, a social-service non-profit organization, a financial institution, and a private developer - all working towards a common goal of caring for the environment and one another. The collaboration exemplified the power of community in addressing social and environmental challenges. We hope to be an example of collaboration to other organizations and an inspiration to leaders adopting clean energy strategies.”

Elder June Eakin

Chairperson WMPC Earth Stewardship Team

1616 16th Avenue South

Nashville, TN 37212